Tag Archives: VWA® Alkaline Hydrogen Water Machine

Any Side Effect Of Drinking Hydrogen Water?




Difference Between A Portable Hydrogen Water Generator And A Hydrogen Water Ionizer

Best portable hydrogen water generator in Malaysia

Portable means portability & easy to bring around, designed to cater for people who is constantly on the move or for travelling purposes. A portable hydrogen water generator is to convert ordinary drinking water into hydrogen-rich water for people on the move.  It has no purification and filtration function. Hence, it will not change the […]

Hydrogen Water Reviews

VWA® water machine reviews

There are many positive hydrogen water reviews from drinking h2 water. In addition, those hydrogen water reviews can be found through various media platforms. This is just one hydrogen water testimonial that is published by newspaper. “I give VWA® water machine 5-star rating!” Madam Ooi suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, high liver index, […]

Hydrogen Water Studies On Cancer

Drinking Hydrogen Water Prevent Cancer

Is There Any Side Effect of Drinking Hydogenated Water or any hydrogen water studies on cancer? One of the well-known hydrogen water studies on cancer by Dr Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner confirmed that every single cancer patient has a body over-acidic… Korea clinical research proven that alkaline ionized water with active hydrogen exhibits anti-cancer […]

Hydrogen Water Testimonials

Best Hydrogen Water Brand in Malaysia

Why is hydrogen water getting so popular? Why are there so many testimonials from drinking hydrogen-rich water? How to choose the Best Hydrogen Water Brand in the market? You might hear and read a lot of testimonials from drinking hydrogen water. Why are there so many hydrogen water machines and hydrogen water generators in the […]

The Advantages of Hydrogen Water – Is Hydrogen Water Good For You?

The Advantages of drinking Hydrogen Water

What are the Advantages of Hydrogen Water? In fact, there are plenty of studies have already illustrated the advantages of hydrogen water to our body. The following paragraphs will discuss some significant doubts about drinking Hydrogen Water. Can Anyone Drink Hydrogen-Rich Water? What Does Hydrogen Do For The Body? Yes, absolutely. Molecular hydrogen is not […]

Is Hydrogen Water Safe For Pregnancy?

Hydrogen Water Is Safe For Pregnancy

Hydrogen Water Studies – Does drinking hydrogen water safe for pregnancy? The most important properties of drinking alkaline ionized water are its molecular hydrogen, the most beneficial antioxidant from drinking hydrogen-rich water. Let’s listen to the strong recommendation by Prof. Watanabe Ifao of Watanabe Hospital, Japan Head of Gynecology on his experiences and findings on […]

RO Water Or Alkaline Water?

RO Water vs Alkaline Water

Reverse osmosis (RO) Water Or Alkaline Water? Alkaline Water Or Hydrogen Water? Reverse osmosis process produces pure water, nothing else is left and without the alkaline minerals, the water pH is acidic. Acidosis is the root cause of all chronic diseases. The human body and intracellular fluid are never “pure”. Indeed, they are electrolytes. That […]

The Best Water Machine

The Best Water Machine

Which is the best water machine? Which brand of water purifier/ water filter is the best? Is clean filtered water dead water? Every family needs a water filter/water purifier to purify and filter the tap water, which can provide clean and safe drinking water for the whole family to drink. Generally, the common filtration or […]